Imagine this. You’re in a BIG meeting at work.
You speak up to make a point. You clear your voice , and all eyes turn to you.
Suddenly you realize…
…everyone is fascinated. They’re listening to you, impressed by you, and focusing on what you’re saying.
So, how did you do it?
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The good news: When you apply your top two Advantages in meetings, you feel more confident, and your listeners will be more likely to take action.
Now, the bad news: Every time you communicate, you’re either adding value or taking up space. Make sure you’re adding value, by applying your top qualities.
Your personality already has what you need to be fascinating and impressive.
Prep for your next big meeting with this quick-n-easy guide.
Then get ready to pour yourself another coffee to celebrate a job well done.
Like this approach? Share the love!
7 ways to fascinate in a meeting via @SallyHogshead (Tweet this!)
You’re either adding value, or taking up space. How to add value via @SallyHogshead (Tweet this!)
Captivate your co-workers in meetings via @SallyHogshead (Tweet this!)
When did you rock in a meeting? How did you apply your personality Advantages? Tell us what you did right, in the comments.