Do YOU write fascinatingly?
Most people don’t. Most people just crank out meaningless messages.
Another Instagram post. Another Facebook update. Yawn.
It may seem difficult to stand out in an incessant stream of social media blurb and blah.
But it really doesn’t need to be so hard.
You don’t have to learn how to be fascinating. You are already fascinating. You just need to express your natural personality.
But how?
1. Write in your voice.
Don’t try to be someone else. When people read your emails or posts, they should “hear” your voice. Are you streetwise or dignified? Are you an erudite expert or a natural story teller? Do you fascinate with emotion or with facts and figures?Whether you’re thoughtful or impulsive, brash or restrained, it doesn’t matter. We all fascinate in our own way. Think about how you talk, and write the same way.
Your social media messages should communicate the best of you.
2. Serious is okay. Boring is not.
You don’t have to be witty, irreverent, or eccentric to stand out. If you are, that’s fine. Let your rebellious spirit shine through. But if you aren’t, that’s perfectly fine, too.
Gravitas also lends a compelling tone. An understated, serious style of communicating can be as fascinating as the jokes of a stand-up comedian. Just be careful you don’t take yourself so seriously that you turn into a dusty professor who reminds people of stuffy labs, stilted lectures, dodos and dinosaurs.
Don’t become long-winded; but do bring something fresh to the discussion.
Remember: Serious is okay. Boring is not.
3. Evoke a response.
Lame social media messages can damage your personal brand. People stop valuing your updates. They start thinking you have nothing useful to say.
Find the areas in your industry that are most likely to provoke a response, and then build messages around it.
Of course, the goal is not to pick a fight. It’s okay to be contrarian, but remember it’s a public forum. (You know that already, right?)
If you’re too cautious to spark a discussion on social media, stick to buying advertising instead.
4. Know when to listen.
Before you jump into a direct conversation with a prime prospect, get to know their interaction style, the type of language they use, and what topics are close to their heart.
By carefully observing, you can craft your own messages to be in sync with their tone and manner. You can also learn what the best time to start a conversation is.
Observe people’s online style, and you can quickly learn how to fascinate them.
5. Bring something new to the discussion.
Don’t just mindlessly re-share other people’s posts. Instead, give your opinion, add something useful, and bring fresh thinking.
Draw upon your experience, your knowledge, and skills and share it with others. Retweeting is a nice compliment. But try to add a personal remark to tell people why you like a tweet.
Earn the attention of your audience by adding value to the conversation.
6. Ask great questions.
Explore a controversial, fun, or serious topic by asking polarizing or insightful questions. Bring a debate to life with rousing explorations. You don’t have to be provocative to provoke a discussion.
My questions range from “Who do you find more fascinating: Celebrities, or your own family members?” to “What brands inspire an instant love-it-or-hate-it response for you?”
Great questions offer people the opportunity to participate in social media discussions.
7. Be yourself.
The world doesn’t need another Facebook update. The world does not need another Tweet. The world needs YOU.
Your personality provides a subtle force of attraction that pulls followers and connections closer to you. Your personality adds flavor, depth, and nuance to your updates. Your personality is what makes you fascinating.
Use the approaches that suit your personality most:
INNOVATION: Ask provocative questions and add witty comments
PASSION: Let your warm personality shine through by using emotional words
POWER: Share strong opinions about industry trends
PRESTIGE: Gain recognition with precise wording and high quality blog posts
TRUST: Be consistent and turn up at the same time each day
MYSTIQUE: Leave thoughtful, in-depth comments on blogs
ALERT: Impress with your practical and pragmatic tips
Once people can relate to your personality, you’ll get noticed. Your updates will be liked, and shared. Your following will grow, and you’ll become better connected and more influential.
When you publish fascinating content, you develop a dedicated network. You create fans, who spread the word about you. And you create a higher chance of inspiring actions such as retweeting, commenting, and buying.