The world is not changed by people who sort of care.
The world is not changed by companies who sort of care.
The world is not changed by employees who sort of care.
The world is not changed by leaders who sort of care.
Sort of caring will get you run over by someone who actually does care.
Sort of caring is the on-ramp to obsolescence– a road that starts comfortably enough, but soon leads to the lonesomeness of obscurity.
Who changes the world?
The world is changed by people who passionately, relentlessly care– sometimes, unreasonably so.
People with the focus and excitement to bound through the Iditarod of obstacles that invariably blocks the path between “no” and “yes.”
If you want to sell anything worth buying, or do anything worth being proud of, you’ll need to more than sort of care.
If you only sort of care, then get out of the way, because the rest of us are coming through and we definitely do care.
Question: How do YOU want to change the world? Be sure to leave a comment with your greatest, world-changing idea below.
The world is not changed by people who sort of care. (Tweet this!)
If you want to do anything worth being proud of, you’ll need to more than sort of care. (Tweet this!)
Sort of caring will get you run over by someone who actually DOES care. (Tweet this!)