Just about anything can become fascinating.
Our lives become fascinating when we experience them fully, and share our experiences with others.
Here’s a little poem I wrote about what’s been fascinating me lately…
Ode to Gluten
Oh my beloved Cinnabon,
how I miss thee,
Now that I must eat
All my food gluten-free.
Goodbye Pizza Hut, Auntie Anne’s,
and pastry with brie,
Soy sauce and sushi,
I was your sworn devotee.
Al dente pasta,
and a hot Krispy Kreme spree,
Warm cookies made with chips
From chocolate Nestlé.
Oh, how I ate those with gusto,
My digestion carefree.
These delights made my tummy dance
a happy “yippee!”
Yet I began to wake in the morning
dragging oh so listlessly;
I moved through the day
Like a bloated manatee.
Finally, my doctor informed me
of a gluten allergy,
And now I understand why I’d run to the bathroom
Wheat, I kiss you goodbye,
and sip herbal tea.
I’m learning new food rules…
(Who knew to avoid barley??)
Yes I’m fascinated by you, dear gluten,
And your whole grain family tree,
But I must abolish you from my diet
And say farewell, mon ami.
Now I resist my fascination
of the bread basket potpourri,
Because I finally realized this fascination
Comes with a discomfort guarantee.
At last, I’m clear-headed enough
to write this decree.
And share with you this
Now it’s clear that Italian and Chinese food
with my stomach disagree.
The proof’s in the pudding
(though that pudding’s gluten-free).See? Anything can become fascinating.
Here’s to finding (and sharing) what’s fascinating in your life!
~ Sally