Ever wanted someone to take action… pronto?
For instance, let’s say you’re meeting a potential client. You’ve already met this guy a few times. You’re ready to make the offer, but he keeps finding excuses, never making a decision. Ergh!
How to get someone to take action, now?
Here’s how: Customize your pitch, according to your Fascinate Profile.
When you apply your top two Advantages, people are more likely to listen and take action. And, you’ll feel more comfortable and confident. If you want your client to buy your products or ideas, use this quick and easy guide:
Action Step: Before meeting your next client, think ahead about how you can apply your Archetype, because that’s your most natural mode of communication.
Now, let’s get that deal done!
Don’t know your Fascination Advantage? Login to your account or take the test today. It only takes 3 minutes!
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