How do you captivate your entire email list?


You fascinate them.

Here’s a juicy little case study for you…

Over the past two decades of research on communication, I found that there are seven different ways to communicate and add value to your listener.

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And I’ve built my email list around these Advantages – sending you content rich communication that shows you how to tap into what you’re already doing right.

It’s simple… When you add value to your listener, you fascinate them. And when they’re fascinated, they’re more likely to listen to you, buy from you, be loyal to you, love you.

So my team and I had an idea.

During launch week for my new book, How the World Sees You, we sent a customized video to each group with the same primary Advantage about why, and how they needed to read it.

And you know what? It was a huge success (it’s been one of our most shared and influential emails of all time).

To build your email list you don’t have to change who you are. You have to become more of who you are. Discover how your personality is custom-built to win and you’ll stop being a commodity to your clients (future and present).

Have you seen the video on why each personality needs to read How the World Sees You? Would you like to see how we customized the other six?

Here’s all 7 videos combined, if you’d like a peek behind the curtain.

What ways have you customized your business to stand out with clients and prospective customers? Let us know in the comments below!

To the most fascinating you,


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About the author

Sally Hogshead

Sally skyrocketed to the top of the advertising world in her early 20s, fascinating millions of consumers for clients such as MINI Cooper and Coca-Cola. Since then, she’s published two New York Times bestsellers on the science of fascination, and is one of only 172 living members in the Speaker Hall of Fame. Over a million professionals have taken the Fascination Advantage® personality test to discover how others perceive their communication.

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