Your Dormant Advantage feels like quicksand

Want to hear Sally explain DORMANT Advantage? Click above to listen to a short audio clip.

Here’s a look at how your Dormant Advantage affects the way you communicate and engage with the world…

Let’s be honest. You dread certain tasks. Really dread them. You might even wake up in the morning and experience a sinking “ugghhh” feeling when you remember that they are still on your to-do list.

Here’s the kicker: not only do you dislike this type of task, and feel exhausted just thinking about it, but these types of tasks position you as a merely average performer.

It gets worse — these types of assignments could damage your reputation, because they put you at a serious disadvantage. These tasks are like pure quicksand for you.

Your personality has valuable, captivating differences. These attract people to you, and help you build relationships.

There are seven different ways that we all communicate, seven different Fascination Advantages. How you use these Advantages when you communicate is what determines how you are uniquely different.

Your DORMANT Advantage is your most exhausting form of communication. It’s how you are least likely to surpass others. Tread carefully in these areas, because this form of communication will cost you a disproportionate amount of time and energy. Let me show you what I mean…

Kristin has a Dormant Passion Advantage. Her manager expects her to sparkle with gregarious banter while schmoozing clients. However, with Dormant Passion, Kristin dreads these networking events because she feels uncomfortably thrust into the limelight. These situations suck her energy, dragging her down like quicksand.

Phil, on the other hand, has a Dormant Alert Advantage. While he enjoys leading and encouraging his team toward their sales goals, the weekly revenue reports and spreadsheets that he is expected to prepare for Accounting are draining for him. It is difficult for him to complete them without getting distracted or making minor reporting errors.

How can you discover your Dormant Advantage and spot your quicksand areas, before they become an issue?

You can unlock this when you take the Fascinate Test. If you don’t yet have a Complete Fascinate Profile with information about your Dormant Advantage, you can upgrade when you log into your Fascinate Account here.

Haven’t taken the Fascinate® Test yet? You can find out your Fascinate Archetype right here.


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About the author

Sally Hogshead

Sally skyrocketed to the top of the advertising world in her early 20s, fascinating millions of consumers for clients such as MINI Cooper and Coca-Cola. Since then, she’s published two New York Times bestsellers on the science of fascination, and is one of only 172 living members in the Speaker Hall of Fame. Over a million professionals have taken the Fascination Advantage® personality test to discover how others perceive their communication.

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