If you are alive today, someone went to unreasonable lengths to carry you, birth you, and watch over you.
And she didn’t do it so you could grow up to be ordinary.
You were born to be you.
Refuse to be anything less.
Motherhood is the profound,
and glorious,
and terrifying,
and absurdly difficult but infinitely rewarding process
of creating another human being.
Science tells us that attention spans have shortened to a mere 9 seconds. However, one thing is exactly the same length… the journey to motherhood. Pregnancy is 9 months long.
Yet while pregnancy itself can’t be time-lapsed into 9 seconds, a video of it can be. To celebrate your Mother’s Day, I’m sharing my own journey into motherhood.
As you watch, think of your own mother… and those 9 profound and glorious months that you shared together before the moment you were born.
She carried you then, and always.
You might be watching this time lapse thanks to a technology like Twitter or Facebook.
But remember this:
Motherhood is the ultimate technology.
Motherhood created YOU.
And you are nothing less than perfect.
Now it’s your turn. Leave me a comment below. Tell me:
What do you want your mother to know?
Tell me here.
(And then tell her.)
The 9-second pregnancy: Happy Mother’s Day! @SallyHogshead (Tweet this!)
Motherhood is the ultimate technology. Happy Mother’s Day! via @SallyHogshead (Tweet this!)