The Fascinate Blog

Spam is usually something that clutters our inboxes with ads for fake Rolex watches. But the principles of spam apply to ALL communication: every meeting, every phone call, every comment...
  Do you know the Elf on the Shelf? He’s Santa’s naughty little helper. We caught the Elf on the Shelf provoking some mischief, here in this video for you. What...
True story…  The moment I walked on stage for a recent big speech, my microphone died. No sound. Yikes. How can you over-deliver for your client if the audience can’t...
You’ve probably experienced that tense moment when conflict arises… when furious glances dart across the conference table, or screaming matches erupt in the hallway. (Awkward!)  Yet, conflict can be a...
We’ve all had that cringe-worthy board room feeling. Your heart is pounding. Your palms are clammy and your mouth is dry. It’s time to pitch your big idea, and you...
  What’s your Halloween personality?  Are you devilish or angelic? Ghoulish or glamorous? Normally, I show you how to be more authentic. But Halloween is different. For one night, you...
Have you ever experienced love at first sight? You were enamored. You were captivated.  You hung on every word, and everything about him or her was wonderful. Everyone who came...
You know this feeling… It’s when you’re reading a book, and you’re so consumed that you don’t notice time going by because you’re so immersed. When researchers look at the...
You are already fascinating. That’s a fact. But, are you allowing your natural, authentic personality to shine through on social media? Hmm. Maybe not. A lot of fascinating people have...
A lot of times when I talk with business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders within companies, the qualities that help them succeed, are very different from the qualities of their team...

Showing 221-230 of 241 results